Now Enrolling!
Riding Lesson Program: Register for a Trial Lesson

Scheduled Classes - Program Enrollment
Tuition & Fees - Annual Registration: $65/yr | class dates


Leg Up Quarter
pre-paid QTR classes

$595/qtr. = $59/class
(10 classes + 1 make-up)

Leg Up Semester
Lesson Program

best value -

$195/mo = $58/class
(20 classes + 2 make-ups)

Scheduled Lessons (limited availability)

Group Lesson:
Private Lesson:



© 1997-2025 | Leg Up Equestrian English Riding Academy

Horseback Riding Lessons!

Leg Up Equestrian, est. 1997. is first and foremost a Riding Academy. Teaching is our passion.

Cathy Kodell, Director, began her career as a High School English school teacher and English Riding instructor. The Leg Up Levels of Achievement Cathy authored and further developed over the years has been the cornerstone of the Leg Up riding curriculum, based on classical Horsemanship and core values. For over 25 years, Leg Up Equestrian continues to serve the equestrian community with distinction and recognition as a "National Model of Excellence" in horsemanship and English Riding Instruction.

Class Enrollment Terms
Leg Up Equestrian offers horseback riding classes throughout the year. Our school calendar follows a traditional 13-week college 'Quarter' classes class schedule (3-month term): Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer class QTR's. The Lesson Program Semester = 2 class Quarters (6-month term).

Leg Up instruction is a Levels based curriculum following the Leg Up Levels of Achievement for student's training and advancement. Students are placed in classes based assessed skills and class suitability.


New students
New beginners just starting out (Levels1, Level2) and Adv. Beginners (Level3) must complete the Introductory classes (10-week sessions) before moving up to higher levels. These classes are the foundation for classical English Riding and Equitation and cover both mounted and unmounted horsemanship skills.

Important to note: Some Leg Up Quarter Classes (10-week sessions) may not be available to continue consecutively due to a wait list for available spots, and thus, some students may be placed on a wait list for the next available class quarter session.

Experienced students joining us for the Intermediate classes (Levels 4-6) including canter/beg. jumping levels, and higher-level students (Levels 7-10+) must complete a new student evaluation lesson prior to placement.

New student starting at Leg Up for the first time, for all levels are enrolled initially in a Class Quarter (10-week session) before moving into the full Leg Up Lesson Program.


Leg Up Lesson Program

Leg Up's school year begins with the Fall QTR each year and runs through the last day of Summer QTR the following year. Each Leg Up class Quarter consists of 10 scheduled lessons with a built-in FREE make-up week for missed lessons. Our Leg Up Semester enrollment = 2 Leg Up QTRs (20 scheduled lessons). Make-ups need to be completed in the same class QTR missed.

Leg Up School Calendar


Semester Enrollment & Billing - Policy
for Lesson Program students

Class Term: New students may begin enrollment at any time during a class QTR (subject to availability); classes are pro-rated based on the enrollment start date to include 20 scheduled lessons +2 FREE makeups weeks.

Payments & Billing: Students are required to have an active payment method on file for billing. Students enrolled in the Leg Up Semester Program have the option for monthly payments. Tuition is auto-billed via ACH or credit card on the 10'th of each month in advance. Late, Declined, or Missed Payments fee: $25

Enrollment Continuation: Students enrolled for a full Semester may continue enrollment with monthly billing at the same rate, after their semester ends, for the remainder of the current school year.

Enrollment Cancellation: no-long term contracts
Students may cancel enrollment any time after completion of the Semester term (20 scheduled Lessons) with 30 days written/email notice (min. 3 scheduled class weeks in advance): Leg Up will pro-rate billing at the Single Lesson rate ($60/class) for the last 3 classes from the date of cancellation.

Early Termination fee: $250.00
Students enrolled in the Semester Program are enrolled for an initial 6-month term (min 20 scheduled lessons). Cancellations prior to the end of the Semester Term will be assessed an Early Termination fee.


Leg Up School Calendar | class dates
Leg Up School year begins with the Fall QTR each year and runs through the last day of Summer QTR the following year. - New students may enroll anytime throughout the year, and start during a Semester (classes pro-rated). Enrollment/class size is limited; classes are subject to each rider's assessed riding level and availability. Priority is given to students currently enrolled in our year-round lesson program. Priority for Fall Term classes is given to students enrolled Summer QTR.

Semester Enrollment Terms
Semester-1  {Fall QTR + Winter QTR}
Semester-2  {Winter QTR + Spring QTR}
Semester-3  {Spring QTR + Summer QTR}

To accommodate family travel and activities, Leg Up offers a Flexible scheduling option during the Summer QTR so students may continue enrollment in their same class starting in the next School Year Term (beginning Fall QTR each year). Students who sign up for either 7 or 10 scheduled lessons will receive priority placement in the next school year term starting Fall QTR.


Class Policies and Make-ups

class make-ups: Leg Up offers a FREE built-in make-up week at the end of each Quarter. Students who miss their class can make it up during our scheduled 'make-up week' (same class day/time), at no additional charge. ~ class cancellations require min. 24 hrs. notice to be eligible for a free make-up. Makeups are limited to 1 class per Quarter.

rainy day policy: Come to class!
Always assume we will have scheduled classes - we rarely cancel, and we will always notify you in the rare event we do due to unsafe conditions. Dress for the weather; rain is often intermittent.

In the event that we are unable to ride, we will provide a structured Barn Class: unmounted lessons covering the required skills and knowledge in our Leg Up Levels of Achievement curriculum. These skills are required to pass each subsequent level and students are tested for this knowledge in order to progress in our program. Barn Classes are integral part of our lesson program, and a valuable opportunity for teaching and learning. - please do not miss class because of inclement weather!

dress code: Students are expected to come to class dressed to ride. Long pants or breeches and sturdy shoes are required. Leg Up provides school shirts for all new students (included with your registration fee). Students are expected to wear their school shirts at all Leg Up classes and events. Additional school shirts may be purchased for $15 ea. (please ask your instructor).



Ready to enroll or learn more: Schedule a Trial Lesson